





NO. 检测项目 采用标准
1 Durability汽车耐久行驶实验 GB/T 12679
2 Engine cooling发动机冷却水/油记录 GB/T12542-2009
3 Grade ability爬坡性能测试 GB/T12539-1990
4 Exterior noise level外部噪音测试 GSO 1624
5 Cab strength驾驶室强度 ECE R29
6 Batteries启动电池测试 GSO 34-35/2007
7 Radiator散热器测试 GSO 135 J 36/2007
8 Motor vehicle general safety requirements 机动车的一般安全要求 GSO 42/2003
9 Safety belts安全带测试 GSO 96, 97/1988
10 Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Pollutants Test重型柴油发动机排放污染物测试 GSO 144,145
11 Heavy Duty Diesel Engine - Smoke emission Test重型柴油发动机烟度污染物测试 GSO 144, 146
12 Flammability Of Interior Materials内饰材料的阻燃性测试 GSO 98/1988
13 Sound Signaling Devices喇叭测试 GSO 99/1988
14 heavy duty gasoline engined vehicles pollution重型汽油机污染物检测 无标准
15 Light Duty Gasoline Engine Pollution - Test after cold start.轻型汽油发动机冷启动后排放污染物测试 GSO 1680,1681
16 Light Duty Gasoline Engine Pollution - Idle Test轻型汽油机怠速污染物排放测试 GSO 1680, 1682
17 Light Duty Gasoline Engine Pollution - Hydrocarbon Evaporative Emissions.轻型汽油发动机碳氢化合物排放污染物测试 GSO 1680, 1683
18 Light Duty Gasoline Engine Pollution - Crankcase轻型汽油机曲轴箱污染物排放测试 GSO 1680, 1684
19 Light Duty Gasoline Engine Pollution - durability of pollution control equipment 轻型汽油机污染物控制设备的耐久性 GSO 1680, 1685
20 Light Duty Diesel Engine Pollution - Pollutant test.轻型柴油机污染物排放测试 GSO 1040, 1041
21 Light Duty Diesel Engine Pollution - Smoke Emission test.轻型柴油机烟度排放污染测试 GSO 1040/2000, 1042/2000
22 Passenger Cars Impact Strength - Frontal Impact乘用车正面碰撞测试 GSO 36/2005, 40/2005
23 Passenger Cars Impact Strength - Rear Impact,乘用车尾部碰撞测试 GSO 37, GSO 40
24 Passenger Cars Impact Strength - Side Impact (Static test)乘用车侧面静压测试 GSO 38/2005, GSO 40/2005
25 Passenger Cars Impact Strength - Side Impact (Dynamic test- 1707)乘用车侧面碰撞测试 GSO 1707, GSO 40/2005
26 Passenger Cars Impact Strength - Side lmpact(Dynamic test- 1708)乘用车侧面碰撞测试 GSO 1708(38C)r GSO 40/2005
27 Passenger Cars Impact Strength - Roof Strength.乘用车车顶静压测试 GSO 39/2005, 40/2005
28 Door locks and Door hinges.门锁和门钗链 GSO 419, 420
29 Rear View Mirrors.后视镜 GSO421 , 422
30 Head Restraint头枕 GSO1598
31 Motor Vehicles-Laminated Safety Glass安全玻璃测试 GSO 1677, GSO ISO 3537, 3538
32 Protection Against Theft 防盗 GSO 1053
33 Motor Vehicle Headlamps前大灯 GSO 1503
34 Brake Test制动测试 GSO ECE 13H
35 Motor Vehicle WMI Report GSO 1781
36 Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) GSO 1780, 1782
37 Engine Net Power发动机净功率 GSO ISO 1585
38 Tyre Tread wear, Traction and Temperature Resistance Grading轮胎磨损等级、牵弓I等级、温度等级 GSO 1783
39 Temperature Resistance Grading Test of Tyres轮胎温度等级 GSO 1784
40 Passenger Car Tyres - Test Report乘用车轮胎测试 GSO 51, 52, 53
41 MPV, Trucks and Buses, Heavy duty vehicle Tyres - Test report 重型车轮胎测试 GSO 645, 646, 647
42 Minimum turning diameter 小转弯半径 GB/T 12540-1990

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